9 Methods for Manifesting the Life you Desire and Deserve
9 Methods for Manifesting the Life you Desire and Deserve
The manifestation of whatever it is we want is most powerful when we’ve cleared up unfinished business. Nagging feelings that we haven’t “tied up loose ends” leave little internal space to create in the PRESENT MOMENT.
When our lives are up-to-date, we are able to tap into the “cosmic flow” of energy that connects us all. We’re able to source what we want from the universe.
Please know, even if you feel “buried” in the deepest hole ever, you CAN MANIFEST a clearing and get back into the flow! Organize your finances get your bills up to date, pay your taxes, return phone calls and emails. Apologize. Forgive. Get help if you need it. Repair that which is broken. Clear the clutter from your home, life and relationships. You will feel lighter, freer and (much more able to) tap into life’s natural flow.
“Write it down and it will happen” has been my mantra for several years. And it definitely works to keep lists of goals and projects - that way things get done! But a to-do list is not the same as a VISION BOARD!
I had not heard of a VISION BOARD until last year when I took an online course with Deb Erickson. Deb told us to spend some time envisioning the life we wanted, then to create a board representing what that would look like for us. She specifically said to create a visual for “how you want to your life to FEEL” (vs what you need to DO).
I’ve had my board for almost one year now and view it DAILY. The best thing about it is my life has started to mimic EXACTLY what is on it! How basic, yet powerful!
If you decide to make a vision board of your own, here is a great article with instructions. (Mine is pictured below - it morphs and changes as the days pass, going with life’s continuous flow.)
Find your people. These may include your best friend from university or high school, or your pal from yoga. Perhaps your preferred set includes your family-of-origin, your children, your love partner, work colleagues, or even your hairdresser. When we whittle it down, during our inevitable last moments of life in our bodies as we know them, nothing else will matter except for how we connected and loved.
Make sure the people with whom you surround yourself are the ones you truly want in your “Tribe”. Develop your relationships over time and distance. Invest time with those you can support, and those who support you. Be good listener. Be vulnerable. Trust and be trustworthy. Laugh. Play. Be a good friend, daughter, son, parent, grandparent. Keep your promises. Treat other as you’d like to be treated. Value your relationships and your relationships will value you.
4. M O V E
Everything is fluid, including our bodies, which are ~60% water! When water sits in one place for too long, it gets mucky and stale. The same goes with the body. In order to remain pliable, with a flexible mind, we need to move! Every day. Whether it is getting out in nature for a daily (dog) walk, surf or bike ride, or even just a home yoga practice, make it a point and priority to circulate! Movement helps clear stale energy from the body, and rids us of toxins. If you are able, make and effort to break a sweat at least a few times a week, while outdoors - your skin will stay looking fresh and toned, and your lungs will appreciate the clean air!
We choose what we put in our bodies, so take the time for NOURISHMENT! Eat good, healthy food like fresh vegetables, whole grains fruits and nuts. Refrain from too much fat, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, coffee, or substances.
Sound a little depressing?
Maybe. I will be the FIRST to say, I am by all means not perfect here. No one is, and I’m not even saying anyone should be. We all need a little pleasure sometimes. The best thing to remember when indulging your vices is: “everything in moderation”, and if you really cannot stop, perhaps you should refrain from ingesting that substance or food. But addictions and bad habits aside, what you CAN do - starting NOW - is MAKE BETTER CHOICES. Try keeping a food diary for a week or two (include beverages), so you can get a handle on simple modifications you can implement to make better decisions a habit.
I, for example, absolutely LOVE Haribo Gummy Bears. BUT - I also know - too much of a good thing can make me feel ill and a few pounds heavier. So I consciously limit my intake. If I notice I’ve been indulging a little too much, I choose to skip buying these addictive German snacks at the store for a few weeks (or months).
If you take the time to NOTICE what you’re putting in your body you can make a conscious decision to nourish it. The key here is to develop an awareness of what you’re feeding your body (and how what you put into your body affects your mood, behavior, sleep, etc.) As we become mindful of our intake, we make better choices.
6. Have FUN and go with the FLOW
If we’re not having FUN, what’s the point? Life is about the JOURNEY, not the destination! Where are we *really* trying to “go”, anyways? We can’t take *IT* with us when we leave this body.
Relax. Drop in and be PRESENT. Become the “witness” of yourself. Connect with who and what is around you. Breathe. Laugh. Connect. Dance. Pet your Dog, love your animals. Smile.
7. Listen to your INNER GUIDE
Our intuition always knows best. It is so easy to get caught up in our minds, about something we said or did, and expectations of what may happen in the future. If we do this then that, and so on. BUT - I always find, that if we just take time each day to sit, close our eyes and TUNE INTO our bodies and minds, even if it is just for a few minutes, the answers will ALWAYS come to us. We can reflect on conflicts that may be arising in our lives, and what to do (or NOT do), or even qualities we are trying to develop with within. For example, lately I’ve been meditating on developing patience, and softening the “hard” edges. As I sit and meditate for 20 minutes each morning on these qualities, I slowly see them manifesting in my body and mind. Taking time every day to do this “self-check-in” is truly the key for manifesting everything - as all of our realities really do begin in our minds!
How to Listen Within and Meditate:
Set a timer for 5-20 minutes (mobile phone timer works well for this).
Close your eyes and sit quietly.
Notice what is stuck in the body, breathe into those areas.
Soften into your exhale (eyes, jaw, throat, chest, gut).
Breathe into areas that need attention.
With each exhale let the tension go, soften.
** To ENHANCE your experience you can begin the practice by smelling an Essential Oil, and noticing where you feel it in your body, and what comes up in your mind - meditate on whatever comes up for you!
8. Pay it FORWARD
Living in service to others allows us to exist at the highest energetic level possible (in the earthly realm). Get conscious and present, so you ultimately manifest and choose how you spend your time. And no matter where you are in this journey, live in service to others. AND - if you have that little extra, PAY IT FORWARD. You have a chance to put in a good word for someone and it takes 2 minutes, DO IT! An older man needs help crossing the street - take 5 minutes and help him across. I’ve recently started dedicating what I offer in random acts of kindness to people in my life who I miss, or maybe have a conflict with, or love. These little acts of goodwill add up - and will also help you continue to manifest the life you desire (even if you’re just starting out on an awakened path of existence).
9. Practice GRATITUDE
Even if you’re down, depressed or feel terrible - a GRATITUDE PRACTICE can be a catalyst for a MIRACLE to take place within us. Consciously remembering (and maybe even writing down) all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us at any given moment can be extremely powerful, and can bring about seismic shifts internally. Living in constant appreciation for the things in our lives which ARE WORKING, brings us more “good energy”, which we can use to manifest more of what we want. Personally, I have a GRATITUDE LIST on my mobile device that I look at daily. Whenever I feel “off” emotionally or physically, this is one of the first places I go. Reminding myself of all there is to be thankful for ALWAYS resets my mindset in a positive way and allows for more good to happen.
Have other Methods for Manifesting? I'd love to hear from you! xo #flygirlsf
My Vision Board Q2, 2018